게시판 공지사항

싱가폴 난양이공대학 박사과정학생 모집공고

사무국 hit 822 date 2021-04-19

PhD scholarship – Hollow core optical fibers and their applications


An opportunity is available for a 4-year PhD study at School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) in Nanyang Technological University (NTU). The successful candidate will undertake cutting-edge research projects on design, fabrication, and application of hollow-core optical fibers—a forefront technology that is creating a new wave of innovation in fiber optics research. He/she will have access to state-of-the-art fiber fabrication facility at the Centre for Optical Fiber Technology in NTU, as well as high-power laser facility—Laboratory for Ultrafast and Coherent Interactions. The student is expected to conduct independent research project of their choice, working in collaboration with other team members as well as our international research partners.


To be a successful candidate, you must have obtained/expected to obtain by July 2021 a bachelor’s and/or master’s degree from a reputable university with a good academic record. The scholarship will cover the full tuition fee and monthly stipend. You can find more information on the scholarship in Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA) (a-star.edu.sg).


Please contact the supervisor, Dr Wonkeun Chang, at wonkeun.chang@ntu.edu.sg if you are interested. The position is available from August 2021.