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eps 뉴스에 소개된 하계 학술발표회

OSK hit 1497 date 2015-08-25

제목 : Optics in the Land of Morning Calm


내용 :

The Optical Society of Korea [OSK] held its annual meeting from 13-15 July 2015 in Gyeongju, the ancient capital of Korea located in the south of the country. This conference brought together physicists working in optics and laser-matter interaction. While most of participants came from Asia, some travelled from the US and Europe to celebrate both the 25th Anniversary of OSK and the International Year of Light. Presidents and official representatives of many learned societies (The Optical Society ? OSA, IEEE, SPIE, EPS, the Japanese Society of Applied Physics) willingly answered the invitation of the OSK managers to address this meeting and debated the future of light in the world and more particularly in Korea.


Korea is clearly becoming a leader in both the fundamental and applied aspects of optics and photonics. Its world leadership, as emphasized by OSA President-Elect Alan Willner, is already visible in the scientific review Optics Express, where Korean contributions are still increasing and dominate US and European submissions in number. Korea is also very active around the new technologies for petawatt-class (PW) lasers and their applications to plasma-based accelerators. In this field Korean researchers already hold some records in laser-driven proton and electron acceleration and they are fully in the race for the next generation of 10 PW lasers.


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